Sunday, May 29, 2011


May 28, 2011 – 4:00pm

After 30 hours of travel, the team pulled into Smithville, MS. We were treated to a wonderful dinner of grilled burgers, hotdogs, pulled pork sandwiches, side dishes, and desserts, courtesy of my sister and my parents. We spent time relaxing and fellowshipping, before heading to Grace Fellowship Baptist Church, where the team will be staying for the week.

Tomorrow we will attend church and fellowship with other volunteers at a volunteer appreciation dinner, hosted by Monroe County Sav-A-Life.

Many thanks to our team members for enduring such a long ride! The drive from AZ to MS, is not for the weak and our team did an incredible job of making the most of the situation!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the updates Carol Anne. It took me forever to figure out how to blog! Jeepers! It looks like your sister and parents did a wonderful job and I'm sure everyone appreciated it! I did and I'm not even there. Many blessings and prayers to all of you and to those you'll be helping. Get a good nights rest tonight because tomorrow is going to be a big day.
    Talk to you soon...if I can remember how to do this again!
    P.S. Tell my honey I love him!
